Albert bullies a Love Island-lookin' influencer so bad his wife asks him to stop. Jugglalos are actually sweet people, as sweet as their soda of choice.

This week we put our heads together and think about the pieces that have stood the test of time - those well-made classics that transcend trends.

Some of these pieces are:

The BUZZ RICKSON Chambray workshirt. Orslow Chambray shirt (not workshirt) Vintage Lee Storm Rider TS(S) Reversible Jacket Good Art Curb Chain #1 Necklace Chuck 70s Birk Boston Blundstone's Orslow 105 Sugar Cane 66 and 47 Orslow Regular Fit Fatigue Barena Elastic Waist Trousers

Then, if you're still reading, we pitch each other on things we need to buy! The other host decides if it's a keeper or not.

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Heddels Blowout

106 - Never Go To A Public Jort Meetup
