On this week’s Blowout… REED’S CORNER IS OFFICIALLY COOKED. Or at least the corner of Birkenstock Boston’s and Able to Buy Whenever. (Spoiler: He blames TikTok.) But because discovery is often generated out of necessity and Bostons are officially Pop Music now, that also means mules are Mainstream™, which has forced — yes, forced — us to investigate some alternative options in the Big Comfort footwear category. And guess what? Alongside oversized everything and a near-extinction event for hard-bottoms, the Mule Market is thriving my guys.

Also: We answer some listener questions from the Discord and probably talk about other things, but don’t worry it’s mostly Mules.


3sixteen has these, and are running a roughout now too. ALD is making garden clogs. They look cool. Chillbies (Reed’s favorites and US made!) The Blackstock Ellis/Horsebits Fear of God joints Fancy Boston’s Crocs (you can find them give Google Ads a workout I guess) Subus (Reed maintains that these are mostly just Thermoballs) New Balance 2002R Suicokes The Nepenthes Suite:Easy Mocs Troentorp x Needles Clogs Rhodo Mary Janes

​​What Smoking Slippers Talk About When They Talk About Smoking

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