Our lightning-fast innovation helps patients and doctors get results and life-saving solutions at a quicker pace than ever before, but how do we make sure every piece of tech is used safely? Join host Derek Burrows this week as he explores how test is driving and safeguarding the tools that save lives, one patient at a time. First, he welcomes Kipp Bradford, who is on the faculty at the Harvard School of Engineering, a teacher at their Grad School of Design, and the founder of an air conditioner startup called Gradient. Next, Derek welcomes Aaron Feldstein, Manager of Test at Butterfly Network.
Together, these two guests discuss the explosion of innovation and how we can use test to build and test devices for our medical community, getting them into the hands of doctors and patients who need them most.
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How the democratization of tools has led to a broader community of people who can access life-changing medical care.
The explosion of innovation has been driven by makers and engineers who got into the medical field when they saw a need for their skill set, and also patients taking a greater interest in personalizing their own health experience.
With this new innovation, patients can work more in partnership with their doctors and use technology to track aspects of their own health and wellness.
Examples of a few tools that test has allowed us to release on the market, including hearing aids and an ultrasound device that you can run from your phone.
How do we use test and AI software to gather the data that we need to tweak and better our medical equipment?
How does regulation interfere with innovation…or does it actually help?
What elements do we need in test as we move forward toward the democratization of medicine?