When our computers are solving problems faster than people ever could, what do we do with the answers? How do we use the data in a way that serves everyone? This week, host Derek is joined by two experts to talk about the revolution happening now in machine learning and data collection. First, Mike Tamir is the Head of Data Science and AI for the Susquehanna International Group. Then, Nuria Oliver is the Co-Founder and Director of the Institute of Human Centered AI.  The two discuss how AI will be able to create and test products in the future, and how we can best succeed in the intersection between AI and creativity. 


Learn More About: 

  • What is LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) technology, and what type of information and data can it help us generate? 
  • How do we hone data to make self-driving cars even safer and make the testing process even more efficient? 
  • How cars have become more computerized, and what that automation will look like down the road. 
  • Nuria discusses a high stakes user study that underwent ethics approval from MIT, and how they brought in the proper safety precautions.
  • Some of the foundational things you need to be able to train machine learning models in a supervised fashion.  
  • We can have systems that not only automatically detect and recognize the maneuver of drivers, but predict them. What are the opportunities for this, but also, what are the challenges? 
  • What capturing human behavioral data looks like on a massive scale, and how machine learning can help identify business opportunities and create better customer satisfaction. 
  • Human decisions have gotten us through a lot of situations, but we have unciouscnsess biases, we are susceptible to corruption, we have emotions that get in the way, physical needs, etc. 
  • Nuria talks about the value in human collaboration and how automated work may help us be able to develop deeper relationships and free up time and energy to be more creative. 


Resources Mentioned: 

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