What are the hurdles to professors getting funding?
How can we pursue projects that might not have an immediately apparent payoff?
How did the coupling of scientific “failure” and personal “failure” develop?
To what extent do corporations have a role in scientific research and endeavors?
How science can connect with society?
Organizations as platforms to raise money for your research
We revisit “secret learning” and “new knowledge” (i.e. negative results and/or failures)
Thanks to Ben McNeil again for a great show and interview. You can reach him at ben@thinkable.org. Definitely check out Thinkable.org to see some current projects and give your own projects a shot.
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As always, you can find all this information and everything we discussed today at phdinprogress.com
[Episode card adapted from an image by Flickr user Bruce Tuten and used under the Creative Commons license]