Pink is an exhibitionist swinger who loves throwing swinger parties and she called in din to talk all about it. Tune in to hear all the details including the first threesome with a woman her and her husband had, how she felt about being with a woman and how she felt about seeing her husband do stuff with other women, their vanilla couple friend who dared them to have sex in public places and exactly what went down, how that made her realize she was an exhibitionist and also led them to going to their first swingers club, the first time they went and exactly what went down, how they then started looking online for couples, the first couple they met and had a six-some with and exactly what went down, the rules and guidelines they had in the beginning, the meet and greet they attended and the other couples they met there, exactly what goes down when they all hook up together, how and why they started running their own meet and greets early on and why they stopped, how and why they’re started traveling to find people to hook up with and how that led to them starting to throw their own parties, the first party they threw and how that led to them creating their own swingers group, their first meet and greet they held and how fast their group grew, the after parties they started to throw and where they take place, how and why they told their neighbors they throw swinger parties, how her daughter found out they were swingers and how she felt about it, how many people show up at their meet and greets and exactly what goes down and exactly what goes down at their swingers party, the demographics of the people there, their rules when it comes to their parties plus a whole lot more. You can fin the Main Street Swing FB page
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