This episode's guest is Orla Doyle, Professor at the School of Economics at University College Dublin and Director of the UCD Childhood and Human Development Research Center. We discuss her extensive experience, both in conducting research and valorizing its societal impact through policy. An excellent example is the 'Preparing For Life' - trial, an early childhood intervention, of which the age-14 follow-up study has recently been wrapped up. Read more about the trial:
Guest: Orla Doyle (Professor at the School of Economics, University College Dublin)
Hosts: Andrea De Palma and Dyllis De Pessemier
(00:35) Introduction and research focus
(09:35) The role of economists in the field of early childhood development studies
(12:11) The 'Preparing For Life' - trial
(30:20) Societal impact of the 'Preparing For Life' - trial
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