On this week's skinthusiast: the podcast episode, I am being joined by Dr. Shannon Ritchey, physical therapist and founder of Evlo Fitness. We are discussing the connection between fitness, muscle building, and overall wellness. This episode is packed with expert advice on how to optimize your workouts, balance cardio and strength training, and incorporate fitness during pregnancy. If you’ve ever wondered how building muscle impacts your longevity or why it’s so crucial for your metabolic health, you’ll love this one. I can't wait for you to listen and hear your thoughts! ❤️


🎙️ In This Episode We Discuss:


💡 Why building muscle is the secret to boosting cardiovascular health and maintaining longevity.


🌾 The importance of structured workouts and how to avoid overtraining for better results.


💉 The truth about soreness, why it’s not a reliable indicator of workout success, and what actually matters for muscle growth.


🌞 How increasing muscle mass helps regulate blood sugar levels, improving energy and skin health.


To watch the video version of this episode head to the Youtube page!

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#skinthusiast: the podcast

How And Why You Need To Be Building Muscle, Why Soreness Doesn’t Matter, and the Myth of “The Burn” with Dr. Shannon Ritchey DPT
