Beach Travel Wine Podcast

49. Port Arthur, Tasmania, Australia. The final part of our road trip doing the Lap of Tasmania where we visit the Historic Convict Site of Port Arthur, Tasmania, Australia.


This is the final part of our road trip doing the lap of Tasmania. 

Wow what a trip it was!

In this episode we tell you all about the most visited tourist attraction in Tasmania – the Port Arthur historic convict site. This was one of the harshest convict penal colonies in all of Australia.

We take you all around this world heritage site.  We go through the buildings that housed all the prisoners, the asylum, the guard towers and the commandant’s house that overlooks the whole site and the town with its gardens, houses and churches that are all part of the site.

We share the lovely and very convenient place where we stayed and how we came to have the biggest oysters of the whole trip – thanks Lyle.

You will hear just how indulgent I was at the lavender farm with its 16,000 lavender plants – I think I must have consumed at least a whole plant myself.

We tell you how nervous we were (or I was) on our way to a gin distillery as the trees got taller and road became narrower.

Finally, we share one of Australia’s darkest days that happened on 28th April 1996 and the emotional memorial that remembers the 34 people who lost their lives that day.

Stay listening to the end to hear our wrap up of our road trip and what we loved most and of course our favourite places in all of Tassie to have a glass of wine.

Thanks for listening and please enjoy the final part of our road trip doing the Lap of Tasmania.

You can see the show notes and all the pictures that are part of this episode here:

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All our Tasmanian episodes, information and pictures can be found here:



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