Beach Travel Wine Podcast

Beach Travel Wine Podcast


Are you over 50 with a SENSE OF ADVENTURE AND HUMOUR? Want to know more than just touristy highlights when planning your next trip? Then join us, Lyle & Leanne, for a deep and entertaining dive i...

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Are you over 50 with a SENSE OF ADVENTURE AND HUMOUR? Want to know more than just touristy highlights when planning your next trip? Then join us, Lyle & Leanne, for a deep and entertaining dive into each destination. This podcast has everything from snipers in Italian alleys and medieval wine villages in Spain, to man-eating crocodiles in Australia and awe-inspiring bucket list activities in New Zealand. Also discover the best place for a glass of wine in every destination we visit. So please join us as we travel the world one wine and podcast at a time.

Podden och tillhörande omslagsbild på den här sidan tillhör Leanne McCabe. Innehållet i podden är skapat av Leanne McCabe och inte av, eller tillsammans med, Poddtoppen.