Happy Friday the 13th! Did you know that this is considered and unlucky day? I don't think so. How will you celebrate it? Mabon/Fall and pumpkin season is among us. September reading from the Witches' Almanac. Spell of the month. Oracle card draw. ********************************************** My Links: Email me: dawnswitchmagick@gmail.com Visit My Website: https://margaridinah.wixsite.com/witchmagick Like the Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/WitchMagick Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dawnswitchmagick/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2zpT3JuP4IaJJy_CcaBriQ TikTok: Witch Magick (@witchmagickpodcast) | TikTok Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/WitchMagick Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/witchmagick *Thanks for all your support Rss Apple Podcaster →