Dive In with NOAA Fisheries

Dive In with NOAA Fisheries


NOAA Fisheries conducts world-class science to support sustainable marine life and habitats. We manage millions of square miles of ocean (almost 100,000 miles of coastline), support a $244 billion fishing industry, and protect and rebuild endangered marine species and habitats. It’s a huge job. Our podcast is about the work we do and the people beh...

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NOAA Fisheries conducts world-class science to support sustainable marine life and habitats. We manage millions of square miles of ocean (almost 100,000 miles of coastline), support a $244 billion fishing industry, and protect and rebuild endangered marine species and habitats. It’s a huge job. Our podcast is about the work we do and the people behind it.

Join our host, John Sheehan, for new episodes every other Thursday. 

Transcripts available at https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/podcast/dive-in-with-noaa-fisheries

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