How Magicians Think

How Magicians Think


The How Magicians Think podcast is a fascinating deep dive into one of the most elusive and secretive performing arts: magic. Join Joshua Jay, one of the world's most accomplished magicians, as he reveals the artistry and obsessiveness of magicians. Jay takes listeners around the globe to speak to the biggest names in magic, always in search of cre...

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The How Magicians Think podcast is a fascinating deep dive into one of the most elusive and secretive performing arts: magic. Join Joshua Jay, one of the world's most accomplished magicians, as he reveals the artistry and obsessiveness of magicians. Jay takes listeners around the globe to speak to the biggest names in magic, always in search of creative techniques and insights that anyone can apply to their own lives and passions. Joshua Jay--a masterful storyteller--will regale listeners with esoteric moments in magic history and quirky secrets of psychology.

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How Magicians Think

How Magicians Think: Think Like a Magician
