In this class, we explore and analyze three distinct yet interrelated topics:
A Prophetic educational methodology which includes a specific hadith on the four best women in Paradise.
Ancient Arabia: Contexts and Contradictions. We discuss particular concepts in the social, cultural and economic context in which Sayyida Khadijah peace be upon her was born and lived before the advent of Islam. This includes the two extremes of venerating the female on the angelic level and engaging in femicide from fear of poverty. Where is the 'middle way' of the fitra, the primordial human disposition in this context, and do men really hate women?
Lessons from the life of Sayyida Khadijah al-Kubra, peace be upon her. We look at several aspects of her history, including how she was the first Believer, how she nurtured this new religion in its very difficult early years, at her role as a facilitator in its flourishing and how at a late age in her life she became the most perfected exemplar of true faith and certainty.
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