This is a special episode developed for the AnthroDay (February 17, 2022) promoted by American Anthropological Association (AAA). In this episode, we present the work of the Brazilian intellectual Lélia Gonzalez. We chose to speak of Lélia Gonzalez because of her importance to Social Sciences in Brazil and for her political activism. As part of AAA AnthroDay, we thought this episode would be an excellent opportunity to present Gonzalez’s Works outside Brazil. The reflections presented here were first recorded in Portuguese by Paula Lacerda
For more information and the transcription of the episode:
Instagram: @campopodcast
For more information about AnthroDay:
Presentation, research and edition: Carol Parreiras
Concepcion and research: Paula Lacerda
Review of English version: Juliana Valente
Overture: Growth, by geovanebruny, available at PixaBay.
Music: Identidade, by Jorge Aragão (instrumental version)
Lélia Gonzalez, 11/20/1983, available at CULTNE (
Cover imagem: Lélia Gonzalez, by Cezar Loureiro
RATTS, Alex; RIOS, Flavia. Lélia Gonzalez. São Paulo: Selo Negro, 2010.
______: Lélia Gonzalez e seu lugar na antropologia brasileira – Ciclo aulas abertas da Antropologia/UNICAMP. Disponível via: Acesso: 24 de setembro de 2021.
GONZALEZ, Lélia. Por um feminismo afro-latino-americano: ensaios, intervenções e diálogos. In.: RIOS, Flavia; LIMA, Marcia (orgs). Rio de Janeiro: Zahar, 2020.
GONZALEZ, Lélia; HASENBALG, Carlos. Lugar de negro. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Marco Zero Limitada, 1982.
BARRETO, Raquel. Amefricanity. The black feminism of Lélia Gonzalez. Radical Philosophy. Available at
RIOS, Flávia. Améfrica Ladina: The Conceptual Legacy of Lélia Gonzalez (1935–1994). LASA Forum, 50:3. Available at