Claudia is an author, speaker, and visionary and she is the founder of Holy Mama Retreats where she holds space for mothers and children to go on retreat together.

Claudia has been hosting retreats for almost 15 years. After a successful career in media, she started her retreat adventure with building up a retreat center in Goa India. A few years later when she returned to Europe she created Holy Mama. Being a mother of three young kids she saw the need for retreats that could be attended by mothers together with their children.

Since 2013 she has been holding space for mothers from all over the world and Claudia has gathered a team of dedicated people around her who help her to create a safe and nurturing space for her small guests and their mummies.

Claudia is also sharing her wisdom and knowledge with other retreat hosts and individuals who are interested in becoming retreat leaders. Claudia offers online courses in which she guides others to become retreat hosts and start their own on retreat business.

Claudia is a pioneer in her field and it's remarkable to see what she has created.

Welcome to the show. Holy Mama - Claudia Spahr

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