Dr. Brian Glibkowski is an author and researcher passionate about the role of questions and answers in business and society. His journey started with his research on questions. He authored an article on questions that has been recognized by the Association of Human Resource Development as one of ten articles that will shape the 21st century. During his research on questions, one simple observation stopped him in his tracks. We know a lot about questions. We know very little about answers. In grade school we teach children about questions, not answers. Our children learn about the six wh-questions (why, what when, where, who, how) and they learn about open and closed questions. There is no typology of answers we teach our children. Journalists, physicians, sales reps, executive coaches, and almost all professionals are trained in questions, not answers. Business books with question in the title outnumber books with answer in the title 3 to 1. His new book Answer Intelligence: Raise Your AQ is nominated for a 2022 PROSE award which celebrates landmark works in professional and scholarly publishing.

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