- Almost all animals are both predator and prey at some level
- Define Predator and Prey for discussion
- It’s important to understand that neither of these mentalities are good or bad, they have benefits and downsides

- Prey Mentality
- Food doesn’t run so they often don’t pursue
- Anxiety - prey animals move away from anxiety or go on high alert
- Stress - prey animals avoid stress if at all possible and are more negatively affected
- Goals - may pursue a goal if absolutely necessary, but generally wait for what they need or accept what is available

- Predator Mentality
- Food runs, so it’s natural to pursue
- Anxiety - look for and hunt those with anxiety, their weakness is an opportunity
- Stress - will push into stress somewhat creating a stress inoculation reaction
- Goals - pursue what they want and are willing to deal with stress and anxiety to achieve it

- What is the best way to think about how to deal with problems?
- Play - Life is a series of games
- Every problem is an opportunity in disguise

- Websites: fortressk9.com ; fortressk9.com/puppies ; k9academy.us
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- Email: fortressk9@gmail.com or joel@fortressk9.com
- Text me at 813-836-9244. Do not call, but I respond to text.
- Learn more about our dogs for sale at fortressk9.com
- Learn more about our puppies for sale at fortressk9.com/puppies
- Learn more about our online and in person dog training options at k9academy.us
 - Follow me on YouTube at @FortressK9
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