The Greek Dark Age, spanning roughly from 1100 to 750 BC, marks a mysterious chapter in the history of ancient Greece. Characterized by a sharp decrease in population, the abandonment of the once might Mycenaean palatial centers, disruption of trade networks, the loss of literacy and a steep decline in artistic endeavors, this time period was generally one of economic hardship and political fragmentation. However, amidst the darkness there were pockets of prosperity and social changes that eventually allowed for the rise of powerful Greek city-states and the dawn of Archaic Greek civilization.
00:00 Introduction and Context 02:50 What was the Greek Dark Age 08:36 Greece enters the Iron Age 09:59 Greece starts to Recover 11:15 Chiefs and Chiefdoms 15:51 The Geometric Period 17:35 The Greek Alphabet 18:33 Panhellenism 21:53 Thank You and Patrons