Your hosts have been waiting for this episode since the origin of the podcast. It is no secret what your hosts Josh Kerr and David Ribich are trying to achieve in the sport. At the young age of 23 Josh successfully won his first global medal, an Olympic Bronze in the fastest 1500m race in Olympic history. Josh Kerr now sits #2 all time on the British list for 1500m runners and you know he is going after that #1 spot.

Your hosts are as real as they come in this episode. Tears, laughs and a variety of emotions are displayed front and center in an episode that could be seen as a life time in the making. Dave did his usual Dave thing and brought on two secret guests to talk about what Josh's medal meant to them. Who are you they ask? non other than Josh Kerrs parents. 

Enjoy the longest (90 min) Sit & Kick episode brought to you by your two favorite hosts that plan to do track differently & rewrite history. 

Listen now!!



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