Sit & Kick

Sit & Kick


Sit & Kick Podcast is a podcast hosted by two professional track and field athletes. Their purpose is to "Do Track Differently" by entertaining their audience with endless banter, advice and insig...

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Sit & Kick Podcast is a podcast hosted by two professional track and field athletes. Their purpose is to "Do Track Differently" by entertaining their audience with endless banter, advice and insight. Your Hosts: Josh Kerr is the Scottish Record Holder over 1500m and the European record holder over the mile(i). Tokyo Olympic Bronze Medalist, 2023 World Champion, 3x NCAA Champion over the mile & 1500m, and currently Dave's biggest fan! David Ribich is 3x 1500m USA Finalist, DII record holder over 1000m, member of the 4xmile WR team, author of "Small School Big Dreams" & Josh's biggest fan

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