Mike is a creative tool maker, fabricator, engine builder, Harley tech wizard and right hand top dog at Bareknuckle Performance. @9fingerfabricationYou can find the TCGP team online at www.thecrazygentlemanpodcast.com, and on IG.Voiced by: @thecrazygentlemanProduced by: @WhiskyEyeToday’s episode is brought to you by:Bare Knuckle Performancewww.bareknuckleperformance.com@bareknuckleperformanceSiembida Custom KnivesIG: @siembida_custom_knivesPhone (740) 270-9057The Huntsman OutdoorsEnter code word PATRIOT at checkout for 10% offwww.thehuntsmanoutdoors.com@huntsmanoutdoorsLexin Motowww.Lexin-Moto.comEnter code word CRAZY at checkout for 15% off @lexinmoto Dirty Builds www.DIRTYBUILDS.com@DirtyBuildsArt by @the_junkersMusic by The Vandoliers Rss Apple Podcaster →