Enneagram Tritype® is an innovative way of using the Enneagram system, helping us to understand our motivations, defense strategy, and focus of attention. Tritype theory suggests that while individuals primarily utilize one of the main Enneagram Types as their ‘core type,’ everyone actually employs three central Enneagram Types - the one that is the most dominant within each center of intelligence (the Head (567), Heart (234) and Gut (891) centers respectively). In this episode, Katherine, the originator of Tritype® theory, helps to explain ALL 27 Tritypes as well as Wing Theory, how this system relates to business, and even some synergies with the Myers-Briggs (MBTI) system as well as Vedic Astrology.
If you are interested in taking Katherine’s newly revised test, please visit: https://enneagramtritypetest.com/
Katherine Chernick Fauvre is an internationally recognized personality expert. She is an Enneagram author, teacher, trainer, researcher, and coach. Her original work with Tritype®, The Instinctual Subtypes and Stackings, and her 22 innovative studies on the ‘internal experiences' of the Enneagram Types, have made her a thought leader in the field.
She has created and co-created 16 products, the EPro Intensives, and the TV Series “Types: Your Personality Revealed,” Katherine has also been interviewed 20+ times on YouTube where she discusses many diverse facets of the Enneagram.
She is a former IEA Board Member, is an IEA Accredited Teacher, and has certified with Palmer-Daniels, Riso-Hudson, and Hurley-Donson. She has also studied with Naranjo, Ichazo, Condon, and Wolinsky. Katherine works with individuals, couples, families, communities, and businesses that wish to develop critical awareness needed to create meaningful and lasting change.
🌟Join the World-Bridging Network of Truth-Seekers - A Synthesis of Self-Awareness Systems to Know Thyself🌟
Seekers Library explores tools to cultivate self-awareness and the development of our highest human potential. Join host RaYvn as she explores the intersection of spirituality and typology with episodes featuring experts on Astrology, Numerology, Human Design, Gene Keys, Dreamspell, Destiny Cards, Enneagram and so much more!
RaYvn is the host of Seekers Library and Cosmic Minister in service to Divine Conscious Evolution. She created Seekers Library to highlight the wide variety of ancient and modern typology and personology systems we have available to support in remembering ourselves as Unique Original Beings.
💌 - Email Me: thecosmicminister@gmail.com
👉 https://seekerslibrary.com
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