My guest today is Raphaela Pichler, an incredibly inspiring woman, who I recently met for the first time despite circulating in similar pools for a couple of years. Photographer, musician, consultant, design-o-phile, and lover of life in all its facets. Listening to her story and asking her how she navigates through different trenches paints a picture of the peak and pits of being a self-employed woman, trying to pave her way as a photographer in an industry that is often not taken seriously when looking at it from a monetary aspect. We spoke about photography, our definition of beauty, going inwards, the difficulty of the pandemic job and health wise, the word empowerment and how we find importance in it, female networks, comparing ourselves, self-confidence issues, and most importantly being paid, situations that we found ourselves in, the struggle of receiving payment, negotiating payment and finding it disbelieving how our work is not getting the recognition whereas other professions are never questioned.




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