People with Scoliosis often look for ways to either fix, cure, or totally correct their conditions. Unfortunately, scoliosis cannot be completely corrected, fixed, or cured with any known treatment option. The goal is to manage scoliosis proactively, preventing severe progression and the need for invasive surgery.

Traditional Treatment Methods

The traditional approach tends to be reactive rather than proactive, waiting for curve progression before taking action. Small curves below 25 degrees are often just monitored, even if they cause symptoms or pain. Bracing may be recommended for moderate curves between 25 and 40 degrees while the patient is still growing while surgery is typically considered when the curve exceeds 40 degrees to prevent further progression. But spinal fusion surgery comes with risks such as infection, poor healing, limited flexibility, and the possibility of future surgeries.

Conservative Treatment Methods

A conservative treatment approach or a proactive conservative approach aims to manage scoliosis early and effectively. It involves multimodal approaches, including therapy exercises, rehabilitation, chiropractic care, and corrective measures. The focus is not just on relieving pain but also on structurally reducing the curve and preventing progression. Conservative methods can help manage scoliosis and reduce the likelihood of future complications associated with severe surgery.

When it comes to fixing scoliosis without surgery, it is crucial to consider a proactive and conservative approach. By managing scoliosis early and effectively, the risks and complications associated with severe surgery can be minimized. Through therapies, exercises, and corrective measures, scoliosis can be managed, reduced, and its potential impact on daily life can be mitigated.

To know what treatment option will work best for you, check out Dr. Tony Nalda’s podcast.

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