Scoliosis Treatment with Dr. Tony Nalda

Scoliosis Treatment with Dr. Tony Nalda


As a scoliosis chiropractor known worldwide for his expertise, Dr. Tony Nalda shares insights and hope for patients and parents who have received a scoliosis diagnosis. Traditional scoliosis treatment...

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As a scoliosis chiropractor known worldwide for his expertise, Dr. Tony Nalda shares insights and hope for patients and parents who have received a scoliosis diagnosis. Traditional scoliosis treatments prescribe years of "watching and waiting" instead of decisive action. Patients can be told to wear cumbersome, embarrassing braces for 20 or more hours a day. Eventually, expensive, invasive surgery often becomes the only option for treatment. It doesn’t have to be this way! The chiropractic-centered approach to treating scoliosis is proactive, effective and hopeful. In this podcast, Dr. Tony Nalda describes the realities of scoliosis and busts some of the more prevalent myths about treating the condition. But my primary goal is to give patients and parents hope. Surgery can often times be avoided. Treatment can be proactive and effective. Spinal curvatures can be reduced. Patients can live rich, full, and active lives.

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