Today you will meet Holly Madge. Maverick Creative Magical Being, if you ask me.

Holly set up her first drum set at age 10 in a barn in Devon and it's where the love affair began.

With the help of supportive parents, extraordinary teachers, deaf neighbors and a habit of saying yes to every new challenge, she picked up her first class honors degree in music at Southampton University and headed to London where she cut her teeth at the forefront of the popular music scene. 

Holly is not your average professional drummer. She is just as at home deep in a sweaty progressive house set in Ibiza performing with Idris Elba as she is delivering the iconic percussion lines of Hans Zimmer’s film scores in the world’s arenas. Variety keeps Holly’s inquisitive mind fresh and her style eclectic, from creating a duet with a contortionist at the Singapore Grand Prix to performing live drum and bass at Glastonbury with The Telegraph’s top ten festival highlights The Correspondents or performing with two contemporary dancers for Nike’s new product range.

Holly has recently ventured into session work, recording those iconic opening-sequence bongos in Lorne Balfe Mission Impossible - Fallout, percussion for Hans Zimmer’s The Lion King sound track, drums for folk rock singer Frank Turner’s album “No Man’s Land” and new practice material for the UK’s most prestigious exam board ABRSM. She travelled to Kenya in 2018 with the British Council & East Africa Arts to perform with Kenyan and Ugandan musicians at the Nairobi Jazz festival and took a solo trip to Cuba to deepen her understanding of the country’s treasured percussive heritage.

You can learn more about her at

You can check out her dress company at

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