Mavericks in Motion

Mavericks in Motion


Mavericks in Motion podcast is your behind the scenes look at what it takes to be a Maverick in your life and work.

Your host, Shari Teigman, an international mindset coach and creative business str...

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Mavericks in Motion podcast is your behind the scenes look at what it takes to be a Maverick in your life and work.

Your host, Shari Teigman, an international mindset coach and creative business strategist, brings you incredible Mavericks from around the world to give you a peek behind what it takes to unleash your life and do extraordinary things. Through these interviews, you will learn how to face adversity and fears with a go getter attitude and be inspired to set out on your own Maverick adventure and change the world through seeing what is possible when you do the work! Like what you hear? Subscribe to the show and stay up to date

Podden och tillhörande omslagsbild på den här sidan tillhör Shari Teigman. Innehållet i podden är skapat av Shari Teigman och inte av, eller tillsammans med, Poddtoppen.