In today's episode I interview Dr. Bradley Nelson, author and creator of "The Emotion Code" and "The Body Code: Unlocking Your Body's Ability to Heal Itself". Over decades of work as a holistic chiropractic physician, Dr. Brad discerned that most of the physical discomfort and emotional distress his patients suffered was rooted in trapped emotions—the unseen emotional baggage we carry from hurtful life experiences.

“Each time you trap an emotion, you get stuck in the middle of whatever traumatic event you were experiencing,” he says. “So instead of moving beyond your angry moment, or a temporary bout with grief or depression, you retain this negative emotional energy within your body, potentially causing significant physical and emotional stress. Most people are amazed to find that their emotional baggage is more literal than they had imagined.”

Through his studies of ancient medical practices and modern quantum physics, Dr. Brad developed The Emotion Code®, a simple yet powerfully effective method anyone can learn to release the trapped emotions that block us from wellness. Using his expertise as a computer programmer, Dr. Brad codified his techniques and created a "mind mapping" system that made his work highly reliable and repeatable.

Dr. Brad explains these techniques with step-by-step instructions for working with the body's energy healing power in his bestselling book “The Emotion Code: How to Release Your Trapped Emotions for Abundant Health, Love, and Happiness." First published in 2007, “The Emotion Code” was expanded and updated in a 2019 edition.

Dr. Brad’s new book, “The Body Code: Unlocking Your Body's Ability to Heal Itself,” is coming Feb. 21, 2023, from St. Martin’s Press. The Body Code system is based on the simple premise that the body is self-healing and knows what it needs in order to thrive.

The Body Code is designed to help people identify and release imbalances in six key areas ― Energies, Circuits and Systems, Toxicity, Nutrition and Lifestyle, Misalignments, and Pathogens ― that are the root causes of physical, mental, and emotional issues. By identifying and releasing these imbalances, readers become empowered to activate their body's innate healing power.

Dr. Brad's websites: and

Interested in getting certified?  Go here:

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171 - The Emotion Code and Body Code with Dr. Brad Nelson
