Hello and welcome back to Long Arm Stapler, a podcast about zines! It's the first episode of SEASON SIX and 2025, very exciting. This episode, I'm joined by second-ever repeat guest Angel Xoxo of Dear Diary Zine Fest and Midwest Perzine Fest. We talk about their work organizing both fests, the Bay Area and Chicago zine scenes, perzines, moving and getting a fresh start, and more.
Angel mentions three zines they've been reading lately:
- Makeup #4 by Valentine (also of Dear Diary Zine Fest and former podcast guest - @dittosdomain on IG)
- Fixer Eraser by Jonas (@jonastygram1 on IG)
- Full Bleed, a Chicago-based horror and exploitation film magazine (@fullbleedzine on IG)
Dear Diary Zine Fest is coming up on May 4th in Oakland, CA! Find more info @deardiaryzinefest on IG.
Find more of Angel's work:
- IG @angel.xoxoxoxox
- Email them eviltwinzine@gmail.com
You can find more of my work here:
instagram: @lngrmstplr
If you're interested in supporting the podcast for the low, low price of just $1 per month (or more!), check out my ko-fi (also LNGRMSTPLR). Thank you to Kris, Alex, Michelle, and Dayna for your support! Supporting the podcast gets you exclusive content including a roster of upcoming guests so you can ask them specific questions, stickers, and shout outs.
Thanks for listening!
Logo by Miquela Davis: @ghostsb4breakfast
Who Likes to Party Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License