Kelsier learns to make the idea of fire or another object, into a real thing in the Cognitive realm. We talk Cosmere at large as we often do when reading about Kelsier in Secret History. If you don't already know Mistborn Spoilers is a weekly bookclub, check us out, by following the link in our profile. Mistborn Spoilers is a weekly book-club, and you can join the conversations that make this podcast on Discord Please remember, Seth and Patrick are two nerds in a basement who would rather be creating podcast content full time, than working our 9-5s. You can help us create the content you love, become full time podcast creators, and make our dreams come true by donating on Patreon

Podden och tillhörande omslagsbild på den här sidan tillhör Seth Jacobson. Innehållet i podden är skapat av Seth Jacobson och inte av, eller tillsammans med, Poddtoppen.

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Mistborn Spoilers Podcast

Mistborn Spoilers 51 - SH Chapter 12
