The Christine Jack Story
“There Is No Prestige Here”
Christine Jack has been missing since just before Christmas, and the trail is leading to a small town east of the city of Winnipeg. Follow the courts longest trial to that date in the Manitoba Law Courts. Christine’s husband Brian Jack will be tried three times, and have two Supreme Court trials before his ping pong conviction has left him a free man.
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Podcasts I mention In this episode:
Active Shooter
Sooner State
This most recent summer reading I recommend was:
Nate Hendley - The Boy on the Bicycle: A Forgotten Case of Wrongful Conviction
On the night of September 15, 1956, seven-year-old Wayne Mallette, was brutally murdered
on the grounds of the Canadian National Exhibition in Toronto. The chief suspect was a "boy
on a bicycle" seen pedaling away from the CNE.
You can buy it HERE or HERE , or wherever you buy books.
I post those on Instagram and Twitter each Wednesday, if you are looking for some
Canadian true crime books this summer.
***Thank you Tara And Barney of BLOODY MURDER PODCAST. For providing the
disclosure at the top of the show. A special thank you to Barney for redesigning my logo.
You both are a treat.
Sources used in this chapter include:
Trials and Errors: The People vs Brian Gordon Jack
by John D. Montgomery (Author), Hon. Alfred M. Monnin (Introduction)
You can purchase this book HERE
Winnipeg Free Press Reporters
Terry Weber
Trial Coverage inOctober 1990
Zena Olijynk
Trial Coverage 1990
Kevin Rollason
Trial coverage in Oct. 1992 and March 1995
Linda Quattrin
Trial Coverage 1995
George Nikides
Dave Baxter
Allison Bray
Appeal coverage in 1995