In the final episode of Fatal Error, Chris and Soroush go through some follow-up, then recap the news from WWDC.

59. Why did they even hire Chris?? Swift Unwrapped Ghost Animoji has a tongue! (h/t @parrots) Platforms State of the Union CodeRunner Steve S Smith Marzipan Thread Jake Marsh on Intents UNNotificationContent.threadIdentifier One of many articles on SMS hijacking via SS7 (search the Web for “SS7 SMS Hijack” for more) YubiKey Social engineering SMS code Chromium Touch ID second factor (Tweet) Published after we recorded the episode: The Pixelbook’s power button can double as a U2F security key

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Tweets & photos from the live show at WWDC:

From @_ivancr From @_jessetipton From @jbradforddillon From @freak4pc

Podden och tillhörande omslagsbild på den här sidan tillhör Soroush Khanlou & Chris Dzombak. Innehållet i podden är skapat av Soroush Khanlou & Chris Dzombak och inte av, eller tillsammans med, Poddtoppen.