Artist and illustrator Melissa Whitaker works full-time for companies across the US, bringing her signature pop-graphic-noir style to their branding and storytelling. Melissa’s clients include Madpipe and Free Agent Source. Commissions include food and beverage, real estate, and medical industries—as well cover art for authors and musicians. Her work has been exhibited in LA, San Francisco, KC, and St. Louis. If you happen to be her part of the world, look for her new billboard for the Arts Council Southern Missouri; it’s a satisfying full circle from when she was featured on that same billboard years ago as a real estate agent. Whitaker made the commitment to a full-time art career later on as an adult: she kick-started her art-business skills with CHF and never looked back. itsallintheart.com
The Thriving Commercial Artist
Collaboration: The Artist’s Voice in Commercial Work
Technique & Composition: from Walls to Web
Themes & Art Influences
Becoming a Full-time Artist & Building a Network
Thanks to ArtPlacer for their support of CHF and The Thriving ArtistTM podcast.