Find the full show notes at www.jurassicparkpodcast.comWelcome to The Jurassic Park Podcast! In episode 330, we discuss the latest Jurassic World Dominion News with the Box Office, the digital release and potential studio interference.  After that, we head off into The Game Trail to hear from Tom Jurassic and SWRVE in regards to the Jurassic World Evolution 2 Dominion Biosyn Expansion DLC. Sit back, relax and ENJOY this episode of The Jurassic Park Podcast!NewsJurassic World Dominion Digital ReleaseJurassic World Dominion’s Box OfficeStudio Interference?Don't forget to give our voicemail line a call at 732-825-7763!Email us: jurassicparkpod@gmail.comBook Club Email: jurassicparkbookclub@gmail.comThanks for listening, stay safe and enjoy!

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