Welcome to the Women of Golf Show!

Tune in Tuesday 9:00 AM Eastern

This week on the Women of Golf Show, Cindy & Ted are joined by LPGA Epson Tour Player, Michaela Finn. Later they enter the No B.S. Zone to discuss "Bunker Shots for Beginners"

More on Michaela:

Michaela first started playing golf at age of 12. Her Amateur Highlights! She was a three-time All-MAC First Team for Kent State University. Collected a total of 17 top-10 performances in Golden Flashes career. Also a three-time medalist including the 2017 MAC Championship individual title & Competed at the inaugural Augusta National Women’s Amateur in April of 2019. 2020 was her rookie year on the Epson tour. She tied 3rd in this past week's Island Resort Championship. Some of her hobbies include shopping and catching up with friends.

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