This is Brad Williams, the creator of “Once Upon a Wasteland.” Our show is a post-apocalyptic science-fiction romance that follows the story of Elizabeth Kirby and Odessa Valdez. They work together to save the civilization that’s just beginning to grow in what used to be West Virginia, and fall in love along the way.

This is our Season Two Bonus Episode, a prequel to that season titled “Survey the Dark.” We drew our titles from Churchill’s “Battle of Britain” speech in our second season after using titles from Lincoln’s First Inaugural Address in the first.

We released this episode for International Podcast Day, and used the opportunity to take a bit of a breather from what’s normally a highly serialized story. We revisited some plot threads from our first season and foreshadowed some from the second, but mostly it’s a fun romp, bringing in some… colorful characters that we’ve only met this once. So far.

Thank you for listening to this showcase episode of “Once Upon a Wasteland.”

cw: Mild sexual references, occasional light profanity and violence.

Transcript can be found at:  Link to script


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