Today we talk about chart crimes! We dive into how charts can sometimes tell a misleading story. We have to stress the importance of looking beyond the surface and understanding the narratives behind the data. This chat is full of insights into the complexities of investing and the importance of staying adaptable in the ever-changing market landscape. 

Today we discuss: 

  • The concept of "chart crimes" and how charts are used to convey specific narratives
  • Discussion on the performance of different asset classes over time, including equities and bonds
  • Emphasis on understanding economic cycles and paradigm shifts in shaping investment strategies
  • Considerations for adapting investment approaches to changing market conditions
  • Exploration of strategies like stock buybacks, dividend investing, and sector rotation
  • Caution against the simplistic narrative of buy and hold, highlighting the importance of nuanced decision-making
  • Acknowledgment of the complexities and risks involved in market timing and investment decision-making

For more information, visit the show notes at 

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