Can you believe it? Three drinks! Joel Duscher has not one, not two, but three of the same goddamn drink that he’s going to slurp down during the duration of this episode. He has truely gone maniac mode for this episode celebrating the 2008 Jim Carrey classic, Yes Man. From trips to Hawaii to seeing Biblically accurate angels, the boys are opening themselves up to the universe and seeing what it provides. It’s mostly a little cake with our morning coffee and getting into massive debt before devolving into a bit about living in the sewers, eating rats and mocking the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for being stinky. At one point we were a pop culture podcast, when did it change? Head on over to our YouTube channel to let us know and while you’re there you can see if JD slurps down those three delicious cans of passionfruit flavoured Mt Franklin sparkling water.

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