Hank Watson's Garage Hour - Cars, Trucks, Beers & Guns

Hank Watson's Garage Hour - Cars, Trucks, Beers & Guns


50,000 watts of gearhead terror. We’re the talk radio blowtorch you want, chock-full of cars, trucks, beers and guns since 2009. We'll be your go-to for gearhead get-some, full of the sliciest canyon ...

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50,000 watts of gearhead terror. We’re the talk radio blowtorch you want, chock-full of cars, trucks, beers and guns since 2009. We'll be your go-to for gearhead get-some, full of the sliciest canyon carving, dirtiest off-roading, biggest calibers, hairiest sasquatches, loudest explosions, plus the best epic fails, smoking rubble and blue-collar awesomesauce since Top Gear full of beer.

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