When you're working alone without a regular trainer or instructor, you must begin to create ways for self-review. Video is, hands down, the best way to do this, especially if your camera follows you. Automated motion tracking software makes this an affordable possibility for many riders now. But even if you don't have this technology, you can still simply use your phone, hit record, and ride.
By creating regular riding videos where you are asking similar questions, riding similar movements, and reviewing them consistently, you create your own feedback. Similar to what a trainer or instructor would do in the arena.
However, the key to making this technique work for you is to figure out what to look for. Just watching the videos is not enough. Many riders get caught up in simply looking at the video passively. Imagine if your instructor did that in the arena when working together?! I doubt that you would learn a whole lot, improve, or be very happy with the outcome! If you're reviewing your own riding videos, you need to act like your instructor or trainer.
Look for specific things, for both you and your horse. And do this without judgment or criticism. In fact, you want to actually 'find' areas to improve, change, or clean up. Just like an instructor or trainer would...
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