Do you feel like your mind is full of tasks making it hard to focus and be present with your family? Do you struggle to articulate what you need, feel, or want from your spouse?
Today, Dr. Morgan Cutlip is here to help us navigate the topic of mental load specifically as moms. Morgan is a psychologist and highly sought after relationship expert. Her book Love Your Kids Without Losing Yourself helps moms advocate for their needs in a loving way. We cover a large range of issues facing parents today including…
The invisible running to-do list we keep in our minds.
How to identify your needs and communicate them.
How to get clear about what you feel and need so you do not confuse your spouse.
Identifying the two different types of guilt and how to respond.
The three domains of mental load- cognitive, physical, and emotional.
Navigating the holiday season with the added tasks and pressure to make it magical.
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