Hop on your finest horse and join us for a very shbadoinkle episode as Erica and Emily tackle Trey Parker's 1993 horror/musical/comedy Cannibal! The Musical. Much is discussed about Erica's history with the South Park crew, as well as Emily's inability to just BUILD a snowman unless it can be done to the music from this movie. We also talk about some new fall TV, including American Horror Story. And just cause, there's some Buffy talk. Just. Cause. Hit us up on our Facebook group or email gleekast@gmail.com. As always, have a shbadoinkle day.  https://ia601001.us.archive.org/4/items/Episode55CannibalTheMusical/Episode_5_5%20-%20Cannibal%21%20The%20Musical.mp3

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