4/20/23: Чикен Літтл - CHICKEN LITTLE

Yesterday, a large explosion in Kyiv prompted various theories on social media that it may have been a fireball, nuclear bomb, or fallen satellite. Amid the speculation and confusion, we are seeing more incidents where NASA has to step in and sanitize the narrative to keep chicken littles from panicking. Something certainly isn't right with this story and how it was so rapidly contained. Can you imagine the bad press and scandal that would plague the Biden administration if it were found that one of NASA's satellites triggered an alert and fell into the heated war zone? Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks about Чикен Літтл - CHICKEN LITTLE. #GroundZero #ClydeLewis #ChickenLittle #NASA


Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis is live M-F from 7-10pm, pacific time, and streamed for free at groundzero.radio and our online affiliates, talkstreamlive.com, kgradb.com, and unxnetwork.com. There is a delayed broadcast on our local Portland radio station, KPAM 860, from 9pm-12am, pacific time. To leave a message, call our toll-free line at 866-536-7469. To listen by phone: 717-734-6922. To call the live show: 503-225-0860. For Android and iPhones, download the Paranormal Radio app. The transcript of each episode will be posted after the show on our website at groundzeromedia.org.

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Podden och tillhörande omslagsbild på den här sidan tillhör Clyde Lewis. Innehållet i podden är skapat av Clyde Lewis och inte av, eller tillsammans med, Poddtoppen.

Ground Zero Media

Show sample for 4/20/23 – Чикен Літтл – CHICKEN LITTLE
