This month, inside the Read to Lead Community online, our theme is FEAR. How to act despite fear, to be even more specific.

The fears we dive into today include failure, rejection, success (yes, that’s a fear too), inadequacy (aka imposter syndrome), change, judgment or criticism, discomfort or difficulty, and disappointing others.

I also recommend a book to help tackle each of these with links below (you’re not surprised, are you?).

In this episode, you’ll learn how specific fears tend to show up, the impact they can have on your life when they go unchecked, methods for tackling each, head on, and specific actions steps you can take this week to push through (Hint: baby steps, and consistent, forward progress).

I hope you’ll click the play button below to learn more about how you can successfully push through your biggest fears. Just keep scrolling, or click the “play” button below.

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Fear #1: Fear of Failure

How it shows up:We avoid taking risks or setting big goals because we’re afraid of falling short.

Example:Let’s say you’ve been dreaming about starting your own business, but you keep putting it off because you’re afraid it’ll fail. So, you stay in a job you don’t enjoy, avoiding the risk altogether.

Impact:By letting this fear win, you miss out on growth opportunities and stay stuck in a place that doesn’t fulfill you. You never know what you’re capable of because you never take that first step.

Method to Tackle It:Reframe failure as feedback. Instead of seeing failure as the end, look at it as valuable information that brings you closer to success.

Action Step:Think of one area in your life where you’re holding back due to fear of failure. Now, take a small step toward that goal. Start by researching, signing up for a course, or even just talking to someone in that field. The key is to move forward.

Book Recommendation: You’ve Got This!: The Life-changing Power of Trusting Yourself by Margie Warrell (Episode #311)

Fear #2: Fear of Rejection

How it shows up:We don’t speak up, share our ideas, or pursue opportunities because we fear others will dismiss or reject us.

Example:You’re in a team meeting at work, and you have a great idea, but you keep quiet because you’re afraid your boss or colleagues will think it’s a bad idea.

Impact:By staying silent, you lose opportunities to contribute and grow. You don’t get the recognition you deserve, and others might not realize the value you bring.

Method to Tackle It:Desensitize yourself to rejecti...

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