Peace Revolution episode 091: Pax Americana / Manufacturing Terrorism from Operation Cyclone to ISIS
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Reference Map to episode 091
Tony Benn 1992 speech on the 1991 Iraq War
RT – U.S. is top exporter (with the UK) of world’s weapons
Charlie Rose with Assad – why America really hates him
Hillary admits the CIA funded Al Qaeda
Nancy Reagan “just say no.” propaganda campaign
Sample_Afghan Heroin pays for military occupation
Sample_intro to BCCI scandal
CIA operation cyclone in Afghanistan
Sample BCCI NBC News
U.S. Marines guard Afghan Poppy Fields w/ Geraldo Rivera
Sample BCCI bank of England from the BCCI investigation (featured later)
Operation Cyclone featuring Brzezinski by James Corbett (orig. from “Meet Zbigniew Brzezinski, Conspiracy Theorist)
Sample 1 Charlie Rose, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Henry Kissinger, & Brent Scowcroft
Afghanistan unravels as Obama bombs hospital / corruption at the top
Hillary vs GOP (all the same line of rhetoric) via Aaron and Melissa Dykes at TruthStreamMedia
Hillary “What difference does it make?”
Hillary exposed via infowars
Study shows Conspiracy theory losing insult power via the New World Next Week (Corbett/Pilato)
FBI Agent John Anticev speaking with Emad Salem re: WTC 1993 bombing
David Ray Griffin describing PNAC, courtesy of Joe Plummer’s research at
Sample_Saddam and Empire PNAC
Reality Check / U.S. and Britain created Al Qaeda by Ben Swann
(1h20m-1h40m) RG Introductory Monologue
John Murray Forbes in the History Blueprint
Brent Scowcroft in the History Blueprint
Dope, Inc. in the History Blueprint
(1h45-2h15m) Mark Lombardi described by Patricia Goldstone in her book “Interlocked”
(2h15m-2h45m) Professor Paul Zarembka interview
(2h45m-3h45m) Professor Paul Zarembka’s presentation on 9-11 incongruences
(3h45m-4h55m) CIA 9-11 papertrail with Peter Dale Scott
(4h55m-5h50m) Political Assassinations Revealed /Church Committee presentation
(5h50m-6h35m) Greatest Mysteries of Soviet War documentary
(6h35m-7h30m) CIA operative John Stockwell describes Operation Cyclone
(7h30m-10h30m) BCCI bank fraud investigation led by John Forbes Kerry
(10h30m-11h15m) Tower Committee irregularities by Dave Emory and Nip Tuck
(11h15m-12h15m) 9-11 trillions by James Corbett
(12h15m-13h40m) Firefighters AE 9-11
(13h40m-15h) Rebekah Roth 9-11
(15h-15h45m) Charlie Rose, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Henry Kissinger, & Brent Scowcroft
(15h45m-17h30m) Brzezinski CSIS Q&A
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