The Glenn Beck Program

‘I’ve Never Seen a Weaker Case’: Alan Dershowitz Exposes CHAOS at Trump Trial | Guests: Tulsi Gabbard & Alan Dershowitz | 5/22/24


Glenn and Stu discuss the chaos that went down as the prosecution rested its case regarding the Trump hush-money controversy. Glenn lists all the fast food prices that have increased in recent years. Glenn and Stu complain about the massive amount of money the Biden administration continues to waste on failing policies and the indoctrination of our schoolchildren. Former U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) joins to explain her political journey from being a Bernie Sanders supporter to speaking out against the Democrat Party. Harvard Law School Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz joins to share the chaos he witnessed as the judge overseeing Trump's hush money trial threatened something shocking. Leah McGhee, the mother of the son who was suspended for saying "illegal alien" and threatened by the school board, joins to give an update on where her fight back stands. Glenn explains why he believes a color revolution is near.

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