Windows 11

Patch Tuesday Windows 11 gets those stupid lock screen widgets Snipping Tool is being updated with emojis and QR code scanning Microsoft is testing widgets in the Windows 11 Start menu New Dev and Beta builds Dell PCs based on Snapdragon X leak Microsoft 365 Microsoft Word gets a long-overdue overhaul to default paste


OpenAI kicks off the week with its Spring Update Google I/O follows up with a Microsoft-style keynote


Microsoft to launch Xbox mobile games store in July Xbox consoles will support game update pre-loads, finally Microsoft discounts Xbox 360 titles ahead of Store closure We have another round of Game Pass titles and you're never going to believe what we didn't get, again Starfield May Update is here with 60 fps support on Series X Xbox Cloud Gaming supports keyboard and mouse with 26 games Xbox app gets more improvements tied to handheld gaming PCs Sony has now sold almost 60 million PS5s, roughly even with PS4 at this point in


Tips and picks

Tip of the week: Remote Desktop is another feature semi-broken by MSA sign-ins App pick of the week: VMWare Workstation Pro and Fusion Pro are free RunAs Radio this week: MLOps + DevOps + Kubernetes with Annie Talvasto Brown liquor pick of the week: Lagavulin 16

Hosts: Leo Laporte, Paul Thurrott, and Richard Campbell

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The Windows Weekly theme music is courtesy of Carl Franklin.

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