Heartland’s Tim Benson is joined by Joanne Paul, Senior Lecturer in Early Modern History at the University of Sussex, to discuss her new book, The House of Dudley: A New History of Tudor England. They chat about who were the Dudleys, how they gained prominence, then lost it all, then gained prominence once again, and then finally lost it all again. They also discuss how the family’s fortunes seemed to mirror those of their Tudor benefactors, why the Dudley men would want to play such a dangerous game, and how the Dudley women kept the family together when family fortunes had fallen. 

Get the book here: https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/The-House-of-Dudley/Joanne-Paul/9781639366125

Show Notes: 

Literary Review: Mathew Lyons – “They courted trouble”


The Spectator: Elizabeth Goldring – “The machinations of the Dudleys make Game of Thrones look tame”


The Telegraph: Noel Malcolm – “How the Dudleys played Tudor snakes and ladders – and lost spectacularly”


The Times: Gerard DeRoot – “The House of Dudley by Joanne Paul review — how to get ahead (or lose your head) in Tudor England”


Wall Street Journal: Catherine Ostler – “‘The House of Dudley’ Review: Tudor Game of Thrones”


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