What comes to mind when you think about “amino acids”? Are you incorporating them into your diet? Have you considered the performance and recovery benefits of amino acids for your running training?

If not, you’ll want to tune in to this episode where I chat with Angelo Keely, the Co-founder and CEO of Kion. You’ll learn…

  1. About the importance of amino acids for body composition, fitness, and overall health.
  2. Understand why amino acids are fundamental for performance and recovery.
  3. Learn tactically when, where, and how runners can use amino acids to improve performance, recovery, and longevity.

You’ll get a lot from this discussion about the importance of amino acids from one of the leading experts in the field!

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This week’s show brought to you by: P3-OM Probiotics

If you’ve struggled with stomach issues in training or racing or frequently get sick when training hard, adding a high quality probiotic supplement could be the key to relieving both issues.

P3-OM is a patented probiotic that uses the most effective strain of probiotic and also at the highest recommended effective dosages.

This strain is also proteolytic, meaning it is maintainable in the human digestive system and it doesn’t require refrigeration.

It’s a secret weapon for upgrading your immunity and protection against bad bacteria.

If you’re interested in trying it out, you can get 10% off P3-OM right now by going to p3om.com/runtothetop  and typing in coupon code run10.

Mitopure from Timeline

Improving your mitochondria is one of the easiest ways to upgrade your performance and make your body work better. 

Time-line Nutrition's Mitopure is backed by over a decade of research and is clinically proven to revitalize mitochondria. 

Mitopure restores mitochondrial function, so every cell in your body has the energy to do its job and keep you healthy and functioning right. In fact, clinical studies have shown that 500mg of Urolithin, one of the main ingredients in Mitopure, can significantly increase muscle strength & endurance with no other change in lifestyle.

Improving your mitochondria is one of the best things you can do for your health and with Mitopure from time-line nutrition, it has never been easier. 

Go to timelinenutrition.com and use promo code RUNNERSCONNECT for 10% off the plan of your choice.

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